For inquiring minds...

Dive into the captivating world of "Snowflake Bentley" with our book study, designed to enchant your child. Discover the unique story of Wilson Bentley, a trailblazing nature photographer mesmerized by the intricate beauty of snowflakes. Through thought-provoking questions and interactive activities, we'll inspire your child to explore the wonders of nature. 

Perfect for nurturing budding scientists, artists, and nature enthusiasts alike, this is an investment in their boundless curiosity and creativity.

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Subject Areas Covered

Scientific Method

Ways Your Child Will Grow

This guide is Brimming with Richness

What You'll Love

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Open & go

Close Reading


Attention to detail

Quality time together for all ages

Beautiful illustrations

Encourages nature study & outdoor exploration

Sparks conversations

Promotes Shared Learning


Nature Study


Language Arts

Character Study

Scientific curiosity



Appreciation for Nature


Observational Skills

Celebrates Creativity

Builds critical thinking

Cultivates an appreciation for science and art

Snowflake Bentley - Reading & Activity Guide


+ type of study: Book study

+ how to use: Could be done in one day or stretched out over a week with a little bit each day

ready to get started?

+ age group: all ages, family together

+ includes the book? No. This is solely a companion study. You'll need to borrow or purchase the book separately.

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