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Christy Faith, Marni and Denise continue the conversation about the behind-the-scenes of running Thrive Homeschool Community. They talk about the various features and benefits of the community, including monthly workshops, expert support, book clubs, forums, and one-on-one conversations. They also discuss the importance of support and connection for homeschooling parents, as well as the challenges and rewards of homeschooling.
- Thrive Homeschool Community offers a variety of features and benefits for homeschooling parents, including monthly workshops, expert support, book clubs, forums, and one-on-one conversations.
- The community provides support and connection for homeschooling parents, allowing them to learn from each other and share their experiences.
- Homeschooling can be challenging, but it also offers unique rewards and opportunities for personal growth.
- Finding a balance between homeschooling and other responsibilities can be difficult, but it is important to prioritize and make time for both.
- Support and encouragement from others, such as in a homeschool community, can make a significant difference in a homeschooling parent’s journey.
Marni and Denise are veteran homeschoolers who love to encourage other homeschool moms with the wisdom and experience gained from their own journeys.
Find Christy’s prior episode with Marni:
Find Marni’s website here:
Find Jake’s Tie Dye (Denise’s son) at:

Get all the essential training, advice, & support you need to plan, create, & grow a homeschool your kids will thank you for when they’re adults. Learn more about Thrive.

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Christy-Faith: Buddy, where was I when I needed Hey, Marnie. I think it would be interesting for people to know what happens a little bit behind the scenes in in running Thrive. Welcome to the Christy Faith Show where we share game changing ideas with intentional parents like you. I'm your host, Christy Faith, experienced educational adviser and homeschool enthusiast. Together, we'll explore ways to enrich and transform both your life and the lives of your children.
Welcome back to part 2. In this episode, we'll continue delving deeper into game changing ideas for intentional parents like you. So grab your coffee, find a comfy spot, and let's dive right in.
Marni Love: Yeah. Oh, so much. Oh, my goodness. I mean, besides the office hours, we have the monthly workshops. So those are that's what I wish I had had.
I like, I wish I had had Thryv when I started out homeschooling for sure. Just not just for the community, which we've talked about a lot, but for the learning. You know, I mean, I was a teacher. I went, got my credential, taught for years in public school. I have learned more just
Christy-Faith: from the workshops, not just
Marni Love: your workshops are fantastic. The fail safe, like, really the nuts and bolts of homeschooling. And then you also bring in these experts that, like, support homeschooling occupational therapists, like so many different professionals. I feel like it's getting your masters. Like when you join Thrive, you're getting your masters in homeschooling.
Because there's just so much support. Then there's these workshops that we get to attend. And you can watch them because they're recorded, so you can go back and watch them again, which I love. And then there's also fun. Right?
So there's our book clubs, which are hilarious and so much fun. There's just the the forums too. Being able to, like, talk to other parents, like, when you're thinking about curriculum, when you're thinking about we had a great thread about organization and then people wanted to share their pictures about how they were organizing their homeschool rooms. So I mean, it covers the gamut from, like, the nuts and bolts of homeschooling to the support people to just friends talking about, like, the latest book they've read or how they're organizing things. And then there's also the DMs, which are really sweet and special.
So parents, mama's reach out when they're just struggling with whatever it is. It could be curriculum choosing. It could be for me most of the time, it's about parenting. And then we get to just have 1 on 1 conversations in that private space and support these moms in a way that's meaningful to them. They get to reach out at any time and ask their personal questions.
Or if they're just even having a hard day, sometimes we get DMs. This is a hard day today. I just need some encouragement. So I just love all of the facets of the behind the scenes in Thrive. It's just really an an encouragement for moms.
It's just feeding the soul of homeschool moms.
Christy-Faith: Oh, you're so sweet to say that. Ruth. And and the other thing too that you guys might not know is before office hours and even after or or in between, the 3 of us are on Voxer. We're we're talking about in in great ways, there's there's never any gossip. It's it's about what's the climate right now?
Where's the health of Thryv? Who's struggling right now that needs an extra reach out and touch and who should be doing that extra reach out? So like, if a family has, we recently, we had a spouse deploy, for example, and so we wanted to make sure that we gave that mama extra love and just people going through hard things, health crisis and stuff like that. Behind the scenes, we are talking about that to make sure that the moms are taken care of. I don't know if you guys know this or how many I don't know if you've been in other memberships, but I am often criticized for offering too much in Thrive.
Not only too much in Thrive but also too much of myself in Thrive and I when I am told that and I have been told that multiple times, I just don't care what they think. One, they don't understand the homeschool mom. We're busy. So we we designed Thryv and we priced Thryv where if you can take advantage of 2 of the things we offer per month, you're getting well worth your money. So whether that's DM ing one of us and then attending a master class or it's attending an office hours and downloading the the the supplement, for example, or anything like that.
And I just think that what I don't know any other community like ours that even allows DMs, honestly. People start this membership that's kind of like in the business world, it's called this, like, business model. And it's a lot of people gravitate towards it because it's kind of a lazy way to just get a lot of people in and offer them as little as possible. Whereas, when I I started Thryv out of a frustration, so I've always done consultations and my consultations aren't cheap, they shouldn't be. I used to advise A Listers and billionaires and counsel kids into Ivy Leagues, you know.
My academic advice shouldn't be free and so but I was frustrated because I wanted to help more people and I needed a way to make it more affordable where it didn't take advantage of me because that can easily happen as well. I didn't want to feel taken advantage of but I wanted parents to have this, what you say, master's degree education homeschooling because this is the thing about homeschooling. I can't think of many other jobs where you start a job and receive absolutely zero training. But not only do you receive zero training, but all of society is going to criticize you for doing a bad job with a job you had no training on. It's like we are thrown in the ocean and we're thrown a bunch of boards and a hammer and nails and we're building this boat while we're sailing it and our kids are growing up, society's telling us, I don't know about you.
Your kids are gonna end up weird or how are you gonna teach AP Physics and here we are and and I just don't I'm my view is enough is enough. Like, this is it really is a profession when we choose to homeschool our kids and every year is different because our kids grow up. What homeschooling junior high looks looks nothing like homeschooling a preschooler, but how can we support everybody in all of their stages all throughout? And so that's kind of how Thrive was born. The other thing too that people might not know is that I was also feeling a little bit lonely on social media and because when you film social media, you're looking at a dot.
You're not actually I pretend like I'm talking to somebody. Often, I'll picture an actual person and I'll pretend like I'm having that conversation but the reality is I'm still looking at a dot and so I was lacking that connection myself of, okay, where are these people that don't really care about which style you are? Which, you know, I can find a classical group, a Charlotte Mason group, but where are the people that just support homeschooling for the sake of homeschooling because it's the right thing for our kids? Who care about this is the other thing, who care about connection with your children as much as the academic preparedness. You know, an education isn't just career preparation.
It's a lot more and a lot of the I think women gravitate towards Thrive because they're on the same wavelength of, yeah, I wanna do a better job academically, but I also wanna redeem my kid's childhood. Maybe you want to give your kid the childhood you didn't have or maybe you want to give your kid the childhood you did have and you see that that's not happening in today's society and culture. So it's just been in in one of my emails, I write that that Thrive feeds me just as much as women feel fed in Thrive and it really is so true. The the ladies in there are phenomenal and the more involved you are in the forums and showing up at office hours, the more you're seen. You know, we we asked the ladies who did testimonials, do you feel like a number in Thryv?
And they all, of course, don't. They don't feel like a number in Thryv. And but one of them did say, I made sure that I didn't though. Like, I made sure that I was known, knew other people in there because you do get what you put in to it. You can you can join and never even engage at all and you're just an observer.
And that I mean, that's okay, too. If you're just joining for the information you wanna go through the fail safe, that's great. I mean, great. Get your money's worth. Awesome.
But the women who have stayed for from the very beginning, you know, we have so my percentage of founding members who are still there is, like, so astronomical, more than what normal memberships have. And they say that it's because of who they've met and it's just so exciting because now when I go around speaking, I am gonna be able to meet all these ladies that I know. Before we continue, I wanna share with you a program that has been a game changer for our family. At our learning center, we instructed and helped kids through pretty much every program on the market, so we know firsthand just how important a solid math foundation is for our kids' futures. Finding the right homeschool math curriculum that didn't compromise academic excellence but also didn't put me and my kids through the ringer was a challenge.
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See you inside. I asked you guys to prepare a question that you would only ask in person at a coffee shop.
Marni Love: Yeah. If it was just us sitting around.
Christy-Faith: If it was just us sitting around. I wanna know, Denise, what's your question and who do you wanna ask? I don't
Denise Vibbert: know why I almost have to go first. Why don't I let Marnie go first? Marley just
Christy-Faith: talk though? I'm trying to keep track in my mind who just talked. Did, Marty, you just talked. Right?
Marni Love: Yeah. I did.
Christy-Faith: Do you want Marty to talk again? Yeah. Do you want Marty to monopolize this whole entire pod I mean, okay, Barney. Okay.
Marni Love: Well, I wanna know, Christy, I wanna know 2 things. I wanna know what your boba tea order is and I wanna know your favorite hair and makeup read. Read? What's read? Audiobook.
Your favorite hair and makeup audio book.
Christy-Faith: Because you know I do it. Okay. Okay. Okay. Oh my goodness.
This is so fun. So I love boba tea, but if you know me for even one second, you know I'm always on a sugar fast, which is really annoying. I'm not consistent and I what I need to do is I need to reframe and just say I live a low sugar lifestyle rather than just so, okay. I love this. This is great.
I'm going to grow after this. But so right now, I'm not ordering I said that because I'm not ordering boba tea right now. But I always order a black tea with brown sugar boba, as large as I possibly can with 0 sugar. But I've noticed that it's not actually 0 sugar at all. It's still very, very sweet.
And I love boba tea so much. Oh, I just love it. Beyond love. In fact, that sounds really good. After the show today and the place we go to has incredibly fresh food.
Their food is phenomenal and so maybe we'll do that. Sometimes on Saturdays, we do a late lunch like after a basketball game and then I'll just do popcorn and movie for dinner. That could be tonight. So okay. And then I'm embarrassed to talk about what I listen to when I put hair and makeup on.
So I don't like doing hair and makeup. Like today, I refuse to curl my hair. I barely got through the blow dry. I hope it looks okay. And I deliberately listen to Twaddle.
And the reason why is if I listen to anything else, I stop it and take notes. I cannot listen to nonfiction. I'll stop, take notes, put stuff in the margin, I'll completely write a master class right there in my bathroom stopped in the middle with half wet hair. So not that. And I also can't read thicker, richer fiction either.
Like, for example, I'm in the middle of the Heaven Earth Grocery Store book, which is that's not a beach read. It's heavy themes and so that is by my bed. So I read listen to beach reads. Complete twaddle. But I don't listen to smut.
I will say that. I do not listen to smut. But they're definitely light where sometimes, even today, I rolled my eyes like, Oh, this is so dumb. This is like teenage girl book. But I do it anyway because it distracts me from the hair and makeup.
I thought you were gonna ask me my what I buy for what my hair and makeup routine is.
Marni Love: Well, I mean, that's like a whole video, girl. That's like a get ready with me situation.
Christy-Faith: People do not they do not look at me and want
Marni Love: to know my beauty routine. You lie. You so you do such a beautiful job with your makeup. Seriously, you need to do a full video.
Christy-Faith: Oh my goodness. No. They wanna see the Alex Earls who are slapping on all that concealer that's just gonna cake up under our aging eyes. I have to, like, dab it just where the blue is, you know because otherwise, it's gonna wrinkle. Oh brother, don't even get me started.
Marni Love: Will you introduce me to the Chillberry what is it? Chillberry Ladies' Choir? Ladies' Choir. Yes. I'm reading that right now.
Christy-Faith: So Yeah.
Marni Love: Some of the beach reads are fun.
Christy-Faith: Yeah. That's a that was a good historical fiction. Yes. And I read a Nicholas Sparks, The Gift. That was decent.
My mom gave that to me and she handed me the book and then I realized, okay, this is gonna go. I'm gonna just get it on audio with my credits. I have no idea what Audible charges me per month. Isn't that terrible? All I see is that I always have credits and I am thinking, oh my goodness, they're free.
I don't think they're free. I think I'm paying something every month.
Denise Vibbert: Look, don't For
Christy-Faith: this twaddle. Hey, go ahead. What is you doing in there and makeup?
Marni Love: That's all that matters. Okay.
Christy-Faith: What was your question for Denise?
Marni Love: Okay. Denise, I wanna know what your favorite read aloud was that you did with your kids. Oh, that's such a good one.
Denise Vibbert: I I can't have one.
Christy-Faith: You can't
Marni Love: pick 1. It's hard.
Denise Vibbert: I can't have 1. Get Jake then. Is he in the room? Jake's favorite read aloud was farmer boy. Oh.
And it's actually he doesn't like to read for himself. He listens to audiobooks, but he actually read the hard copy of Farmer Boy multiple times. He just loved that story and his favorite scenes were the ones involving food. Isn't that funny?
Christy-Faith: There's a lot of food in that book. Good food.
Denise Vibbert: Yeah. But I loved reading to my kids genre wise or type of story wise. I loved reading to my kids about real life heroes. Right? So people that were just ordinary people that somehow changed the world because they chose to say yes instead of there's nothing I can do.
Right? So I I loved reading to them character development books, hoping that in spite of the toxic environment that they were growing up in, they could learn to believe in themselves and that there there is the power. The power of 1 really is a power. Right? And that they would always be kids that would choose to make a difference instead of stand back down and say there's nothing I can do.
So I can't pick one book in particular, but that's what I loved to read to them. Those are good. Those are good ones. Denise, what
Christy-Faith: was your question for Marnie?
Denise Vibbert: Well, you know, I'm I'm not gonna go super lighthearted when I sit down and girl talk. And so I I wanna know, Marnie, when the lights go out and it's quiet, what are the things that not all the things. What is something that hurts your heart? The things that hurt About Oh. As a homeschool mom.
Right? Mhmm. What is something that hurts your heart?
Christy-Faith: Mhmm.
Marni Love: Like about And
Denise Vibbert: what is something that encourages your heart?
Marni Love: Like, about, like, homeschooling? Like, homeschooling mamas?
Denise Vibbert: Yes. Yeah. Any anything, like, about homeschooling.
Christy-Faith: Mhmm.
Denise Vibbert: Right? Like, one thing that that would hurt my heart was the naysayers that would come against me and who they actually were in my life. Yeah. Right? Mhmm.
Things like that. Or even if it's something that sometimes we have those things that that we doing and we struggle to let go. Yeah. And let it be in
Marni Love: our past. For sure. Yeah, I think because it was a struggle for me and I have overcome it, but the toxic beliefs that my own school mama's belief and the loop that they get stuck in thinking that they're failing, thinking that they're ruining their kids, thinking, believing the naysayers that who are they to be doing this job? I I know. I I think I said this on the podcast I did with Christy, but I used to cry myself to sleep at night because I was telling myself those toxic beliefs.
And it took a lot of work in the parent coaching that I do, the connected families framework. We start with foundation, and we learn how to replace those toxic belief beliefs with God's grace filled truths. And so it I did a lot of work, a lot of foundation work so that I could show up to be the mom I wanted to be instead of believing those lies. That little echo chamber that would go around my head at night when the lights would go out and it was quiet.
Denise Vibbert: And so
Marni Love: I think what encourages me in fact, I just finished a grace and truth for moms small group. And what encourages me is being able to see other moms do that work and come out on the other side. So I think that's what I think it's really healing. Mhmm.
Denise Vibbert: Yeah. I think it's really healing to to be part of the solution in some ways for for the moms that are coming up behind us. And, you know, Christy, I was I was a a mom who was also running a ministry, running a nonprofit organization. And so I understand that pull. Right?
The the the tug of war that you also have with, I I need to be. I need my children to be over here being occupied while I work on this. And I know, Marnie, you experienced that too. And I wonder, Christy, if there are ways that we could encourage you, that Marnie and I can encourage you in those in those times, in those seasons where you feel like I I'm not being the mom that I wanna be, and it's a time thing. Right?
Because we're always having to compromise and say what I'm what I'm called to do in this life is extremely important. And I'm also called to raise my children and how that balancing act is always a balancing act. And you you'll never arrive to where you're like, oh, I've got it all managed. But in the management, what what can we do to encourage you if there's something that we're not doing?
Christy-Faith: Oh my goodness. You're incredible. I'm gonna cry. Oh, You did go deep, Denise. You went Yes.
You did. Well, you know, you're we're facing a day where you know, I'm filming this podcast. I have 5 scripted videos that I have to film after this and wanting to get it all done because we wanna take the kids to the mountain tomorrow to do a really big whole day bike ride. And this morning, I was Voxering with somebody on the way to an errand that I had to run. And I was saying I there's just too much in a day.
It there's too much. So it's not a matter of I just gotta give up the fact that there's too much and just ask what am I supposed to be doing? Is it kind of like a surrender? And I think support in that and in the wisdom to make the decisions and laying the rest just down on the table. The beautiful thing about the women you guys and in Thrive is and all the ladies who work for me are homeschooling moms too.
We're working homeschool moms. And so there's definitely this climate of my kid's sick and we're like, yeah. But you know, like this can wait. This is not more important than you taking care of your sick kid or anything like that. So it's just the sheer volume of this the type of work that I have been called to do and knowing that it's never I'm not I never finish a day and think to myself, yeah, I did everything that I needed to do and I did it really well.
Like, there's never and so but at the same time, what's so cool is, like, when I show up at office hours, it's just everything's gone. Everything's totally gone and I'm it's one of the things where I know that Thrive is what I'm supposed to be doing because everything just disappears and nothing matters. But the ladies that I see on the screen. And I know that sounds cheesy, but it truly is the case. Like, there's nowhere else I would wanna be in that moment than than with them.
So you're so sweet. Thank you. The show will resume in just a minute. But first, I wanna share with you an incredible resource that is totally free to homeschooling families everywhere. Have you ever felt like you were on trial for your homeschooling choice when visiting a doctor or another service provider?
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Denise Vibbert: Well yeah. And, I mean, I want to encourage you from beyond that your kids are learning, and, Marnie, you're working from home too. Right? You're you're having to segment out life for you and your kids. And from beyond that season, your kids are learning incredible life skills.
They're learning leadership skills. They're learning time management, they're learning balance, and in the moments where you feel like because we do, we're like, Oh, if I have to focus on this over here, then I'm neglecting my kids. No. You're demonstrating to your kids how to Mhmm. Blend life and the responsibilities because kids that were not being homeschooled, their parents would be working in the hours that they're not there.
Yeah. Right? And so you're you're blending that and you're showing them how to do life really holistically. And I'm anxious for the day when you can look back and go, okay, I did cry myself to sleep a lot, but it wasn't necessary because my my kids are are doing very well. And Christy also did wanna tell you that, you know, I we met on TikTok because I saw your TikToks.
And I my sister and I, my younger sister and I, we both homeschooled in the same season, and we used to continually talk about how we wanted to be a voice for homeschooling parents to say, you know, this is proof that it works, but we really didn't have the data available to us yet. Right? But it was kind of a call, I mean, like a draw on our hearts where we wish we could say, yes. This really works and not just, hey. Look at me.
I was homeschooled and I'm okay. Right? It that's really pretty shallow. But when I started seeing your videos, something in my spirit was just like, this is the voice. This is the one who's calling out.
See, I cry all the time. Who's calling out into the world to say, and this is me giving you my excellence in academic knowledge and my strong belief in how and why this works, and here's the data, and here's the proof. And this is why I also love your book, Homeschool Rising, because it is that book that we needed to be able to say, here, you don't understand homeschooling? Here. Here's this book.
And so I reached out to you, DM ed you in TikTok to just say, how can I be the wind beneath your wings? Because I believe so strongly in what you're doing and what you represent, and you have an authenticity to you that I believe. I know you are the real deal, and you are the real deal. And I think we've heard moms in in Thrive say it as well. We watch your TikToks, and then we interact with you in person and you're the same person.
Right? And your authenticity is just so powerful and so necessary in this world of everybody putting on a front and that you choose to bring your knowledge and experience and, drive for absolute excellence into the homeschool community is a gift, and I'm just I'm just humbled to be able to sit around the imaginary table with you.
Christy-Faith: Oh my goodness. Do you guys see why I asked Denise to be a mentor? Because she's the lady who I would call crying on a regular basis.
Denise Vibbert: Yeah. Oh, I mean it.
Christy-Faith: Yeah. Just absolutely. Thank you so much for for that encouragement. This took a left turn. Did you just take over the podcast?
I hope not because you will be like, woah. And because my question is now I can't even ask my question because it's so inappropriate. Yeah.
Denise Vibbert: You want me to ask an inappropriate question
Christy-Faith: to make you feel better? Oh my goodness. Oh. Yeah.
Marni Love: I wanna hear it.
Christy-Faith: I wanna hear it. Oh, I was gonna ask if you were wearing a bra today.
Denise Vibbert: I am. You did it for us. I did it for you. I did. I think Lauren of okay.
You open this. Okay? I think I've worn a bra maybe 5 times since the beginning of December.
Christy-Faith: And today was one of them. I feel honored. I know that thing's coming off right when we end the film. Oh my god.
Denise Vibbert: And full disclosure, it's because I have a rib injury, okay? Everybody, in my
Christy-Faith: recuperation, I've discovered my inner hippie, and I
Denise Vibbert: don't think she's gonna go away.
Christy-Faith: Well, what else? Is there anything else we agent share? It's just like, pizza and your shirt. So, Anne, I'm really happy, Denise, that you've kept it clean this episode. You haven't dropped any I'm like, I'm dirty.
I'm not dirty. She's You can drop the occasional expletive. Oh, sure. Sure. I can.
You haven't in office hours. You keep it professional in there.
Denise Vibbert: Yeah. Well, that's because you wanted to be professional. So I have, like, hold back and not not say what I think about, you know, people constantly coming at us with their you know what It starts with e and has an s in the middle. You know? We probably talk people out of joining Thrive at this point.
Christy-Faith: If you're enjoying the show and you don't wanna miss out on future episodes, hit that like and subscribe button and show us some love with your comments. Those 5 star reviews really do make a difference. They're like, these ladies are nuts. How why would I ever listen to them? But actually, that's fine because we are gonna be who we are and it's a really special place for a lot of women.
If you are curious about joining Thrive Homeschool Community, please go to christy faith dotcom. Don't forget the dash because the website will go somewhere else if you forget the dash and click on that button that says Thrive community. There is so much on there. There's testimonials from women who are currently in Thryv sharing about their experience. It tells you everything that's in there, what you get, what to expect once you hop in and join in the platform, and it has lots of q and a on there as well.
So if you're curious about Thrive Homeschool Community, that is where to go. Something that's really important for me to say is a lot of people think that a homeschool group or a homeschool community online is for newer homeschool moms because a lot of people assume that that learning curve is just so big and it is and we need to have the how to's but make no mistake, there are challenges. I cannot tell you how many families quit homeschooling in the junior high years because the dynamic changes, the academics change, your family is growing, you get a lot more pushback from family members when your kids start to get older where they're like, this isn't just a cutesy thing anymore, like, you are you serious about this homeschool thing? That type of thing happens and so this is definitely a place for seasoned veteran homeschool moms to join. We also have really cool clubs in there.
That's the best term for them. It's like we have a club clubs within a club. So if you are homeschooling an only child, we have a thriving group in there. It's a Zoom that meets every single month. We have a crazy book club.
Those ladies are on those Zooms till past midnight on those book club Zooms. It gets nuts but, oh my goodness, the friendships that have come out of that book club is phenomenal. We also have a Working Homeschool Mom's Mastermind in there. That is a lot more serious. It's fun but it is serious because that is specifically for homeschool mamas who are either breadwinners or partial breadwinners.
We're talking working over 20 hours a week plus. It's a special place for you guys and we're always looking to see in the future what groups we can have. We're actively in conversations about a military small group in there and my dream, my dream is to have a special place for homeschooling grandparents in Thrive Homeschool community because so many because of the economy, families are wanting to homeschool but parents are needing to work and it is amazing to me how many grandparents in our nation are giving up these travel retirement years to redeem their grandchildren's childhood and working alongside their daughters, daughters in law's sons, son in laws to help, as a team, homeschool those kids. I have a heart for supporting homeschooling grandparents. That doesn't exist yet, though.
Don't join if you're a grandparent I mean, join. But maybe if you're maybe if you're a grandparent listening to this and you're like, wow, that would be a group that I would love to help Christy start in Thrive. Yay. That would be absolutely phenomenal. So those things things are always happening in Thrive as well as these master classes and you have access to all the master classes that have been filmed in the past by me and the experts that I bring in and I don't bring in just anybody.
I am really picky as to who I will bring in to teach. So is there anything we're forgetting about the coolness of Thrive?
Marni Love: I mean, I don't I just don't know of another community that's anything like it. It's so special, and it's such a safe space. And you can be any kind of homeschooler, any kind of belief system. You know, we have space for everyone and so I think it's a really sweet space. We wanna have you come join us.
Christy-Faith: Yes. Come join us. And, also, I'm gonna put in the show notes, Marni is a parenting coach, so we're gonna put a link to her website because, yeah, you can work with Marni in Thrive, in the parameters of Thrive, but, also, one of the ways Scott and I got to know Marnie is we actually went through the parenting program 1 on 1 with her with Connected Families, which is something that she does on her own. And so we'll definitely put that in the show notes as well. We should even put Jake's tie dye in there, Janice.
Yeah. Because He's running a Christmas
Denise Vibbert: in July sale right now.
Christy-Faith: Oh, is he really? Yeah. And I'm gonna have him on the podcast because what he's been able to build with his entrepreneurial business is absolutely incredible. So, I'm just gonna throw that in the show notes for fun because because and because he's awesome. If you are curious to hear more about Marni, there is a podcast episode where she and I talked in-depth.
I think that episode is over an hour long. The feedback that we've gotten on that particular episode has been incredibly powerful. So maybe we'll even put a link to that episode right in this episode's show notes. So you you'll have to go hunt for it. Marnie and Denine, thank you so much for coming on the show today.
This was such a blast. Thank you for having us. I think
Marni Love: Thank you.
Christy-Faith: You. It was a blast. It was
Denise Vibbert: a blast.
Marni Love: It's always a blast. Blast. We have fun. We have fun and thrive.